The yellow school bus is among the most recognized icons of American schools and society. Research demonstrates that the yellow school bus is the safest mode of transportation for some 25 million American school children each day. School bus drivers are provided rigorous training, preparation and testing to ensure the safety of our children. The women and men who manage and operate local school transportation systems are dedicated to the safety of all children. They also ensure efficiency and accountability in the delivery of each Galion student. Those that are involved with Galion Transportation range from building secretaries, bus drivers, bus aides, and bus maintenance. Galion City Schools recognizes the vital role that the yellow school bus plays in our education enterprise and in the life of our district. Galion City Schools declares the month of February 2024 to be LOVE THE BUS MONTH!!!
about 1 year ago, Veronica Rinehart
Love the Bus Month
Everyone, there is a major gas leak on Portland Way. It is not a safety concern, but Portland Way will be closed from Harding Way to Brandt Road for the next several hours. You can use Hesby Drive or out Newberry Drive behind the Primary School. Thanks!
about 1 year ago, Veronica Rinehart
Everyone, there is a major gas leak on Portland way. It is not a safety concern, but Portland way will be closed from Harding way to Brandt road for the next several hours. You can use Hesby Drive or out New Berry Drive behind the Primary School. Thanks!
about 1 year ago, Veronica Rinehart
We are hiring aides at each building to support our students. This is a great opportunity to work with a great staff and wonderful students. Please find the full job posting and application here:
about 1 year ago, Veronica Rinehart
Join Our Team
Good Morning once again. We will be closed today, due to the icy conditions, If you go out please be careful and have a great day! See you tomorrow!
about 1 year ago, Veronica Rinehart
Closed Jan 23
Good morning Tigers, Due to the roads are pretty icy right now so we will be on a 2hr delay. We will continue to monitor the conditions and update you if necessary. Be safe.
about 1 year ago, Veronica Rinehart
2hr delay
❄️ Attention, Galion community! The Mobile Food Pantry is January 30th, from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. on the Galion City School District Campus. We need your helping hands to make this event a success. Sign up to volunteer at Your time can make a world of difference. Thank you for your support! For more information on the Mobile Food Pantry, please visit
about 1 year ago, Galion City Schools
Volunteers Needed!
Good Afternoon, All athletic events and practices are cancelled for Friday, January 19. Saturday's events will take place as scheduled. Go Tigers!
about 1 year ago, Veronica Rinehart
Games Cancelled
Good Morning Tigers, it's Friday January 19th and we are closed once again. Roads are slick with more snow coming. Enjoy the long weekend, better weather next week!
about 1 year ago, Veronica Rinehart
Closed Jan 19,2024
It's another snow day tomorrow kids! Wednesday, January 17, 2024. Stay warm and safe.
about 1 year ago, Veronica Rinehart
Jan 17, Closed
Good Morning Tigers! The Galion City Schools will be closed today, Tonight's Board meeting will still take place at 6:30 in the Middle School. Please stay safe!
about 1 year ago, Veronica Rinehart
Jan16 closed
Good Evening Tigers! Due to the cold temperatures and expected snow fall, the Galion City Schools, will be on a 2-hr delay Tuesday, Jan 16th. There will be no morning ROAR or morning pre-school.
about 1 year ago, Veronica Rinehart
2 hr delay 1/16/24
Don’t miss out on Superintendent Dr. Hartmann’s "Coffee Chat" tomorrow, January 10, 5:00 p.m.- 6:00 p.m. at K&B Laundromat. Playing a key part of our Listen and Learn Initiative, we invite our community members to discuss all things Galion City Schools over coffee. See you there! ☕
about 1 year ago, Galion City Schools
Coffee Chat with Dr. Hartmann
Calling all parents! Are you registered for Rooms yet? Here’s why it’s an excellent tool for parents: - Teachers use it frequently as a form of communication. - Parents (and students) can reach teachers, coaches and other staff members via direct messages. - It is built into the Galion City School District mobile app. - Parents and students can receive class announcements. Register for Rooms via the Galion City Schools mobile app (iOS and Android).
about 1 year ago, Galion City Schools
Parents, are you signed up for Rooms?
The Galion City School district is still accepting letters of interest to fill a vacancy on the Board of Education. Please contact Dr. Hartmann by 4:00 Friday, Jan. 5th. Come join a great team!
about 1 year ago, Veronica Rinehart
There is still time
Intereted of know someone
In honor of School Board Recognition Month, we thank our Galion School District Board of Education Members for their dedication. Your continued efforts in shaping our district and supporting our students are greatly appreciated! This month, we welcomed a new member, Christi Eckert! Special thanks to our former president of the board, Grant Garverick, who completed his term after 16 years serving our Board of Education. For BOE information, visit
about 1 year ago, Galion City Schools
Thank you to our Board of Education Members!
Hey, Galion School community! We hope you had a great Winter Break! This is a reminder that classes will resume tomorrow, January 3. We look forward to seeing you all then!
about 1 year ago, Galion City Schools
Classes resume tomorrow, January 3.
The Galion School District wishes you and yours a very Happy New Year!
about 1 year ago, Galion City Schools
Happy New Year, Tigers!
Happy New Year to all our Galion families and friends. Have you ever considered or know someone who has considered being a school board member? Now is your chance! Effective January 1, 2024 the Galion City School Board of Education will have an open seat. If you have questions about the role and responsibility of the position, feel free to call our office. Our office will reopen on Jan.3. Letters of interest should be sent to Dr. Hartmann before 4:00, Friday, January 5.
about 1 year ago, Veronica Rinehart
Board of Ed. Opening
The monthly Second Harvest Food Bank of North Central Ohio Crawford County Mobile Drive-Thru Food Pantry will be held tomorrow (12/27) from 4:00-5:30 p.m. on the Galion City Schools' Campus. Learn more at
about 1 year ago, Galion City Schools
Drive-Thru Mobile Pantry